Friday, May 1, 2009

aRt AnD eNviRoNmEnT - A pErFeCt MaTcH

Taking Care of our Mother Earth is Everybody's concern. If not us, who will? if You WaNt tO LiVe LoNgEr, sTaRT taKiNG cArE oF ThE wOrLd In WhiCh We LiVe In... FoR uS To EnJoY tHe BrEaTh Of FrEsH AiR... FoR oUr CHiLdReN'S cHiLdReN.

...tHeSe ArTwOrKs arE by ThE cOnCeRtEd EfFoRtS Of My 4NeWtoN2008-2009 ClAsS,
ThE pRoJeCts We SuBmItTeD tO the EaRtHwAtChiNg cLuB, EcOpANeL eXhiBiT, nIshiNoMiYa,JaPaN.4-9march2009.

EvErYdAy ePiPhAniEs

"Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it."

I have counted on living every single day in a way I believe will make me feel good about my life so that if it were over tomorrow, I would be content.