Wednesday, May 20, 2009

MeEeEeT our 'OTHER' 3 family members!LaSsEr.LiLa.BLeU.

mY pUpPiEs


...the Eldest BuDdY.

...BLeU's DaD!

...'mans' the hauz.

...a wedding gift from mark.

mY pUpPiEs


...the second baby dog.

...Bleu's niece by blood.

...Loves to be ScratChEd on the belly while lyin' down!

mY pUpPiEs

... BLEU...

the youngest in the family...

loves to be put on a CRADLE - on my two feet together!

LoOkiN' BaCk...

"pUtTeRriNg iS rEaLlY a TiMe To Be AlOnE, To DrEaM aNd To GeT iN tOuCh WiTh YoUrSeLf... tO pUtTeR iS tO diScOvEr."

-alexandra stoddard